Externally and Internally Funded Research

  • 2022: Director of Researching Education and Language (CREL), FHSS, UNNC.
  • 2021-now: Chief Expert of the International Talents Research and Development Base (ITRDB), UNNC, under the auspices of the Ningbo Social Science Academy. It is supported internally by the University RKE and FHSS RKE funds.
  • 2018-now: Principal Investigator of the ongoing project on Cultivating Glocal Talents through International/Transnational Higher Education funded by the UNNC Provost Grant (40,000 RMB) and the Extra Funds Scheme of FHSS (50,000 RMB).
  • 2018: Principal Investigator of the project on ‘Affective Dimensions of Minority Students in Multilingual Contexts in China - Towards An Integrated Model’ funded (50,000 RMB) by the Institute of Asian and Pacific Studies (IAPS), tri-campus research institute of the University of Nottingham (completed in August 2018).
  • 2017: Co-hosting as principal academic organizer the International Conference on Language Standardization and Linguistic Variation in Asia from Sociolinguistic Perspectives on December 11-13, 2017, co-funded (30,000 RMB) by the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office, UNNC, and (£10,000) by MEITS (Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies), a major interdisciplinary research project funded under the AHRC Open World Research Initiative.

As the founder and lead investigator of the Chinese Society of Multilingualism and Multilingual Education (CSMME), I have devoted my last 12 years in the nation-wide project on trilingualism and trilingual education which has been conducted by a national network of more than 50 researchers in 11 minority regions in China. This project has evolved from three case studies I led in 2006 initially supported by a pump-priming fund of £2,700 from the CCCS of Durham University, £5,000 from the ESRC funded research centre on bilingualism of University of Bangor, HK$100,000 in 2009 and HK$180,000 in 2010 by the RCLEAMS (Research Centre into Language Education and Acquisition in Multilingual Societies) of Hong Kong Institute of Education. From 2012 to 2015, the project was funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund #840012 (HK$800,822) for extensive studies into models of trilingual education. It is now funded in most regions by the local or national funding bodies. So far, we have organised nine international symposia in different regions and published five books and numerous journal articles (the most representative trilingualism in education book as listed before was edited by me with Bob Adamson in 2015).

  • Senior Research Fellow of the ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism in Theory & Practice, Bangor University. The prestigious ESRC funded centre (with funding worth £5,180,065). I brought in a research income £47,000 each year to the School of Education, Bangor.
  • Invited member of the AHRC funded Researching Multilingually Project conducted by an international network of researchers organised by Durham University, Manchester University and Bristol University, UK.
  • Invited member of the national network for the project entitled Translating Cultures in International Mediation organised by the University of Nottingham, UK.
  • Leader of the project on ‘Funds of Knowledge and Intercultural Education’. This is a project being carried out by the Intercultural Research Group (consisting of 6 academic staff members) with internal funding from Bangor University.
  • Principal Investigator for the project on assessment of intercultural competence (entitled Self-Assessment of IC (Intercultural Competence) for Living and Studying Abroad (SAILSA): Towards an Integrated Model) with funding from School of Education, Durham University.
  • CHC Students Studying Abroad: An Ethnographic Study. Finding of the project was reported in two papers (2005; 2006) and led to a PhD studentship (£16,000) awarded in 2006 to a PhD student who completed the study under my supervision in March 2010.